
Here’s a full calendar of events including our monthly themed complimentary events and resources, and our in-person Journeys.

And don’t forget our IN for 10 sessions that are available OnDemand on our library on Facebook, and practice anytime you need a healthy break in your day!

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Additional PLAY Resources

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Prasada Talks

Why adults need play

Join Meg Townsend and Alice Dommert for this playful conversation about what play is, why we can benefit from it at any age, and the many ways you can play, even as a "serious" adult!

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Pickleball 101

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Are you curious about the fastest-growing sport in the US? Join Nicole Stottlemyer, avid pickleball player, for a workshop that will show you the ins and outs of the game and help you get started!
No experience necessary. 
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READ: Allowing yourself time and space to PLAY has incredible benefits on your physiology. This article from Psychology Today outlines the benefits and how you might explore PLAY today.

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WATCH: Dr. Andrew Huberman, neuroscientist and professor at Stanford University outlines the transformative nature of PLAY (at every age) and how PLAY can rewire and improve our brains.

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TASTE: Time in the kitchen doesn't just have to be for cooking and eating. You can have fun and PLAY too! We love this treasure trove of 7 Activities in the Kitchen for Summer Fun.

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Additional CREATE Resources

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Prasada Talks

Creativity.....your most valuable skill

Join Meg Townsend and Francine Bonjour for this inspiring discussion on the true nature of creativity, how it's at the core of all of us, and why it's your most valuable skill.

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Prasada Talks

Create your plan to avoid the Fall Frenzy!

Join Meg Townsend, Alice Dommert, and Sarah Murray for this intriguing and informative conversation about how we utilize character strengths to navigate the frenzied energy of Fall and how they can support you in creating a plan of support so you stay steady amidst the potential chaos this lively season can bring!

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READ: Here are two of our very favorite books on creativity: How to be Creative by Liz Dean and Creative Quest by the endlesslessly talented Philadelphia treasure, Questlove.

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WATCH: Watch both of these inspiring TedTalks, one by writer Amy Tan to discover where creativity hides, and the other with Elizabeth Gilbert to uncover your elusive creative genius.

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TASTE: Find one of the many, lovely farmer's markets near you (or take a road trip to find one!) tune into your senses, and select things that intrigue you, then figure out what you can cook!

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Additional STRENGTHS Resources

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Prasada Talks

Do you know your superpowers?

Join Meg Townsend and Alice Dommert for this informative and engaging conversation about the superpowers you may not even know you have.

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Get Strong

CrossFit MFP’s Approach to Functional Movement

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Curious about how you can build strength and movement practices that support longevity and daily wholebeing? Join Marco Dapkey for an informative workshop to learn more about the CrossFit model of Functional Movement and how this approach builds lasting strength and awareness. 
No experience is necessary to gain valuable insight from this workshop. 

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Prasada Talks


Join Meg Townsend, Sarah Murray, and Alice Dommert for an enlivening conversation about how Character Strengths are a foundation for a thriving workplace and how teams are using these skills to flourish in and out of the office.

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Character Strengths

Your compass for life

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Join Alice Dommert for a class that will introduce you to the VIA Character Strengths and guide you in understanding how they can be your greatest tools in navigating your life.
No experience necessary. Bring a piece of paper and something to write with. 
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READ: Ryan Niemiec and Robert McGrath are experts on the 24 strengths. The Power of Character Strengths helps you appreciate what's best in you as you work toward your goals. 

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WATCH: In this talk, Ryan Niemiec poses the question: How can we ever expect to reach positive outcomes without utilizing our character strengths? 

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TASTE: Want to strengthen and fortify your body before hunkering down in Winter? This basic bone broth recipe can support bone and joint health, and contains a lot of essential nutrients,

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Additional PRESENCE Resources

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Prasada Talks

The 4 Tools for Unwinding Anxiety

Join Meg Townsend and Jack Curley for this informative and explorative conversation about what anxiety is and how using four unique mindfulness tools can support us in changing our relationship with it.

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Prasada Talks


Join Meg Townsend, Alice Dommert, and Sarah Murray for a conversation about the importance of mindfulness at work and learn how you can develop the essential skills to enhance your presence and ability to focus during your workday.

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Understanding Anxiety

Unwinding the Habit of Anxiety + Worry

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Join Jack Curley for a program, where together we’re going to dive deeply right into the heart of anxiety, learn how it gets set up, what drives or feeds it, and how you can step out of the process.
No experience necessary. Bring a piece of paper and something to write with for this session.
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READ: One of the go-to mindfulness books by Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of mindfulness-based stress reduction, is Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life.

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WATCH: Here's a great TedTalk by Andy Puddicombe, co-founder of Headspace, where he teaches about the transformative power of doing nothing for 10 minutes a day.

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TASTE: Check out Meal by Meal by Donald Altman, daily mindful eating practices and inspiration to help you become a more conscious eater and create a healthier relationship with food. 

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Additional GRATITUDE Resources

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Prasada Talks

The power of gratitude

Join Meg Townsend and Francine Bonjour-Carter to learn about how a mindset of appreciation works, why expressing gratitude is essential, and how writing can be a powerful gratitude practice.

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Writing Letters of Gratitude

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Join Francine Bonjour-Carter for an embodied letter-writing experience and learn a new way to practice gratitude.
No experience necessary. Bring a piece of paper and something to write with for this workshop.

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Prasada Talks


Join Meg Townsend, Sarah Murray, and Alice Dommert for an enlightening conversation about how appreciation at work is the most underused yet critical practice to bring into the workplace. You'll leave with ideas and confidence about how to start practicing gratitude in your workplace.

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READ: These two books outline more of the science behind gratitude and offer ideas for making it an active practice: Thanks! by Robert Emmons and A Simple Act of Gratitude by John Kralik.

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WATCH: In this story of resilience and gratitude, psychologist Christina Costa shares her journey of living with a brain tumor and learning how practicing gratitude rewires the brain. 

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TASTE: From the renowned Gratitude Cafe in California, these miso-glazed, carmelized Brussel sprouts will be a way to serve up a dose of healthy greens that every mouth will be grateful for.

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Additional CONNECT Resources

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Prasada Talks

How strengths enhance connection

Join Meg Townsend and Alice Dommert for an enriching conversation about how our character strengths can help us build healthy and thriving relationships in all areas of our lives.

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READ: Imagine a cookbook that is beautiful, has delicious recipes, AND put 150 nutritional studies into practice. The Happy Kitchen is all of that and more. 

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WATCH: He's our favorite habits expert, and he's all about going tiny as the path to sustainable changes. Check out BJ Fogg's TED Talk, Forget big change, start with a tiny habit. 

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TASTE: What's cooking this month? A warm and delicious soup to give you an energy boost and support your immune system. Nourish yourself with this Red Velvet Soup.

Past Themes

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Thursday, January 18th

12:30pm-1:00pm EST

Prasada Talks

How to change in 2024, capturing the energy of a new year

Are you excited about the new year's potential but worried your dreams might go unfulfilled? Join Meg Townsend and Alice Dommert for an inspiring conversation about the nature of human behavior and how you can develop practices to support your wholebeing, both in and out of your workplace.

Sunday, January 14th

9:00-10:15am EST

Infinity Class

at CrossFit MFP in Ardmore, PA

Marco headshot-1Join Marco Dapkey for a class that combines the best of these three practices: movement, mindfulness, and breathwork choreographed with some majestic and inspiring soundtracks.
No experience is necessary. Wear comfortable clothes you can move in, and bring water.

Additional NOURISH Resources

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READ: Is it balance that we are really seeking, or satisfaction in work and life? Matthew Kelly contemplates this in his book Off Balance: Getting Beyond the Work-Life Balance Myth.

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WATCH: Shift your mindset about what work-life balance actually is with engaging speaker and acrobat, Dan Thurmon. Check out Dan Thurmon's TED Talk, Off Balance - On Purpose.

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TASTE: There's nothing like a warm mug of spiced and soothing golden milk to comfort you on a cold winter's night and lull you into a deep sleep....and it tastes delicious! 

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Sunday, February 4th

9:00-10:15am EST

Infinity Class

at CrossFit MFP in Ardmore, PA

Marco headshot-1Join Marco Dapkey for a class that combines the best of these three practices: movement, mindfulness, and breathwork choreographed with some majestic and inspiring soundtracks.
No experience is necessary. Wear comfortable clothes you can move in, and bring water.

Sunday, February 11th

9:00-10:15am EST

Infinity Class

at CrossFit MFP in Ardmore, PA

Marco headshot-1Join Marco Dapkey for a class that combines the best of these three practices: movement, mindfulness, and breathwork choreographed with some majestic and inspiring soundtracks.
No experience is necessary. Wear comfortable clothes you can move in, and bring water.


Sunday, February 18th

9:00-10:15am EST

Infinity Class

at CrossFit MFP in Ardmore, PA

Marco headshot-1Join Marco Dapkey for a class that combines the best of these three practices: movement, mindfulness, and breathwork choreographed with some majestic and inspiring soundtracks.
No experience is necessary. Wear comfortable clothes you can move in, and bring water.


The Infinite Awareness Program

Date: 2/28-4/3, 6 weeks on Wednesdays  
Time: 6:30-8:0pm ET
Where: In-person, 4632 Woodland Avenue, Drexel Hill, PA 19026
Price: $500 Only 8 spots available! (Only 4 spots left.)

Join Jack Curley, Marco Dapkey, and Alice Dommert for The Infinite Center's kick-off program, a 6-week course to explore mindfulness, meditation, and awareness.

  • Learn to work with your anxiety and the turnings of your mind
  • Explore a variety of mindfulness and meditation practices to see what works best for you
  • Develop presence as your superpower
  • Cultivate your own capacity for inner calm, clarity, peace, and relaxation
  • Build meditation and mindfulness practices that serve your process of self-discovery
  • Connect with a group of like-minded, mindful individuals seeking to improve their overall wholebeing

Additional BALANCE Resources

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Prasada Talks

Breathwork for Balancing Life

Join Meg Townsend and Transpersonal Breathwork Facilitator Alice Dommert for this intriguing and practical conversation about the growing popularity of breathwork and how it can support you in navigating the waves of life.

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Yoga for Mind-Body Balance

Space to Breathe + Explore

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Join Tracy George for this mind-body balancing practice that incorporates standing balancing poses, balancing breathwork, and much-needed moments of stillness.
No experience necessary. Bring a yoga mat (or beach towel) for this practice.
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READ: Is it balance that we are really seeking, or satisfaction in work and life? Matthew Kelly contemplates this in his book Off Balance: Getting Beyond the Work-Life Balance Myth.

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WATCH: Shift your mindset about what work-life balance actually is with engaging speaker and acrobat, Dan Thurmon. Check out Dan Thurmon's TED Talk, Off Balance - On Purpose.

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TASTE: There's nothing like a warm mug of spiced and soothing golden milk to comfort you on a cold winter's night and lull you into a deep sleep....and it tastes delicious! 

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Sunday, March 10th

9:00-10:15am EST

Infinity Class

at CrossFit MFP in Ardmore, PA

Marco headshot-1Join Marco Dapkey for a class that combines the best of these three practices: movement, mindfulness, and breathwork choreographed with some majestic and inspiring soundtracks.
No experience is necessary. Wear comfortable clothes you can move in, and bring water.


Sunday, March 17th

9:00-10:15am ET

Infinity Class

at CrossFit MFP in Ardmore, PA

Marco headshot-1Join Marco Dapkey for a class that combines the best of these three practices: movement, mindfulness, and breathwork choreographed with some majestic and inspiring soundtracks.
No experience is necessary. Wear comfortable clothes you can move in, and bring water.

March 2024 PT

Wednesday, March 20th

12:30-1:00 PM

Prasada Talks

Why moving matters

Kick off the spring season with Kate Howell and Meg Townsend for a special Prasada Talks: Why Movement Matters. Kate is an amazing yoga therapist in the Philadelphia and Southern NJ area, and she's introduced us to some amazing work on the state of our movement in this modern world. 

Join us for this conversation about why movement matters, how we are outsourcing too much of our movement as modern humans, and how you can reframe your daily life (and even re-organize your home!) to help you get more movement in your day.


Sunday, March 24th

9:00-10:15am ET

Infinity Class

at CrossFit MFP in Ardmore, PA

Marco headshot-1Join Marco Dapkey for a class that combines the best of these three practices: movement, mindfulness, and breathwork choreographed with some majestic and inspiring soundtracks.
No experience is necessary. Wear comfortable clothes you can move in, and bring water.


Sunday, March 31st

9:00-10:15am ET

Infinity Class

at CrossFit MFP in Ardmore, PA

Marco headshot-1Join Marco Dapkey for a class that combines the best of these three practices: movement, mindfulness, and breathwork choreographed with some majestic and inspiring soundtracks.
No experience is necessary. Wear comfortable clothes you can move in, and bring water.

Additional MOVE Resources

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Prasada Talks

What's dance got to do with it?

Join Meg Townsend and dance professional Kim Crowley for this lively and inspiring conversation to learn about collective effervescence, the power of dance, and how you can connect with your unique dance style.
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READ: The Joy of Movement, by movement expert, Kelly McGonigal. It's inspiring and shows how movement "helps us find happiness, hope, connection, and courage."

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WATCH: Meet the inspiring Kelly McGonigal on this video podcast interview and listen to it during your next walk (or spring clean!)

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TASTE: Keep yourself hydrated post-movement practice with this delicious and nutritious DIY Lemon-Ginger Electrolyte drink.

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Additional PRACTICE Resources

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Prasada Talks

The power of tiny habits

Join Meg Townsend and habit-change coach Debbie Heller for this engaging and practical conversation about the art of habit design, why some habits stick and some don't, and how you can become the designer of your own healthy habits.

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Yoga + the Breath

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Join Meg Townsend for a yoga practice class that integrates breathwork and yoga poses to help balance your nervous system and steady your mind.
No experience necessary. Bring a yoga mat (or beach towel), a chair, and a yoga strap (or a scarf/belt.)
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READ: Have you ever tried to stick with new habits but instead found yourself stuck? Behavior change expert Katy Milkman tackles this head-on in her fascinating book, How to Change.

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WATCH: He's our favorite habits expert, and he's all about going tiny as the path to sustainable changes. Check out BJ Fogg's TED Talk, Forget big change, start with a tiny habit. 

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TASTE: Our favorite nutrition habit-change experts at Precision Nutrition created this excellent tutorial on how to make your own nutritious and delicious super shake. Bon appetit!

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Additional GROW Resources

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Prasada Talks

Can plants make you happier?

Join Meg Townsend and avid gardener Amy Wilson for this fun and interesting conversation about our relationship with the outside world and why connecting with nature daily can improve your mental and physical well-being.

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The Joy of Gardening

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Join Meg Townsend for a workshop that will help you start your own indoor or outdoor garden that's right for any level gardener and teach you why gardening is great for your Wholebeing.
No experience necessary. Bring a piece of paper and something to write with for this workshop.
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READ: Micah Mortali, director of Kripalu Center for Yoga + Health, weaves mindfulness, yoga, wilderness training, and ancestral skills in his acclaimed book, Rewilding.

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WATCH: Awaken your sense of wonder and awe at the brilliance of nature with this stunning video and talk by Louie Schwartzberg, filmmaker and advocate for the natural world.

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TASTE: Check out the hilarious and inspiring Alexis Nikole Nelson, the Black Forager, and try her violet syrup pink lemonade to enjoy on a spring afternoon.

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Additional JOY Resources

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Prasada Talks

Joy, beyond being happy

Join Meg Townsend and Francine Bonjour-Carter for this joyful conversation about the true nature of joy and how you can experience more glimmers of joy every day, even if you're not feeling "happy."

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Finding Joy

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Join Meg Townsend for a workshop that explores what blocks joy and what builds joy and how you can engage in the art of joyful living.
No experience necessary. Bring a piece of paper and something to write with for this experience.
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READ: The Book of Joy is a beautiful look into the lives and teachings of two spiritual leaders and Nobel Peace Prize Laureates: Archbishop Desmond Tutu and His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

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WATCH: Check out this video with Marie Kondo, the woman who started the conversation about what "sparks joy" and learn how to organize your workspace for a more joyful day at the office.

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TASTE: The Joy of Cooking has reliably delicious recipes, and it's a fascinating read and practical, every day guidebook on joyful cooking. It's one of our classic favorites!